Iveco Stralis

Now here are two photo’s that i showed before. It is the next Stralis Euro6. Yes, they are going to use the same cab again but it does have a different roof! Also the dashboard is new, on the Brazilian fair they showed a complete new dash!.

Iveco can use the same cab and doesn’t need extra cooling since they are the only brand that comes with Euro6 without EGR!












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2 Responses to Iveco Stralis

  1. Love the new website. If that is the new 2014 euro6 stralis i think Iveco is in trouble. It looks as if the cab has the same mounting,giving it a 200mm engine tunnel .Ionly hope that there is a higher mounted version in devekopment. Looking at the scoop pictures both the new Volvo/Renault cab,these will have. By the way a number of years ago,did Volvo not say that the new shared cab would have the same floor and back panel, and the rest different. Just a thuoght,if both these trucks truck ranges are launched in the same year,they will both be eligable for ITOY. It would be embarrising for GroupVolvo if the French upstart won. I supose the political solution would be for a joint win. Now how about some scoop pictures of Scanias next cab. I,m presuming that the present cab is unable to cool the euro6 version of the V8. Since Volkswagen control both, will this cab also end up on the M.A.N range eventualy.

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