Fieldtests are being done to test the trucks before they go in production. Sometimes things go wrong, that is why they call it testing.
Now this Volvo truck just lost its camouflage package after the launch but it has to be a fieldtest truck. That is because production hasn’t begon yet.
Dutch truckdriver Sjouke Kingma took this photo in The Netherlands when the Volvo broke down. The Danish driver was towed away by…. a Scania..
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That´s not the first behind a towrtuck I found onother in the facebookgroup Truckers Paradise that someone had taken in Sweden.
That´s not the first behind a towtruck I found onother in the facebookgroup Truckers Paradise that someone had taken in Sweden.
kinderziekte ….
Volvo powerrrrrrrrr
Waarom eigenlijk allemaal Deense testrijders, kunnen die Zweden zelf niks testen ???
dit is een test truck…. testen ze niet gewoon of hij in geval van pech…. ook afteslepen is ??
(iedereen smult er van terwijl mercedes ook problemen heeft….maar de gestrande actrossen meten worden afdekt )
Zweedse rommel
ikea troep
Testresultaat….nog even doorsleutelen 😉
Its not unusual to see a Volvo being recovered lol, maybe better for Euro 7