Category Archives: Scania Longline

Scania with unique extended cab goes to France

Scania with unique extended cab goes to France

A Dutch built Scania has been equipped with a unique S-cab which was extended by one metre, or more than three feet. The Scania was ordered by a Dutch specialist truck company, who sold this very long S650 Scania to France. All of the unique construction follows from a collaboration between a number of Dutch…Continue Reading

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4th ‘nextgen’ Scania T produced by Vlastuin

4th ‘nextgen’ Scania T produced by Vlastuin

Dutch company Vlastuin has build the fourth ‘Nextgen’ bonneted Scania for Geurts Trucks. The truck is based on a Scania S650 Highline and is being rebuild by Vlastuin. The cab is set back and the bonnet is Vlastuin’s own design. The design of the artwork is inspired by the trucks of Svempas from Sweden. These…Continue Reading

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Scania SLX ‘Nextgen’ Longline

Scania SLX ‘Nextgen’ Longline

This spectacular truck is the new Scania SLX Longline. This is the first ever Scania of the new generation that has the longer cab. The bodywork was streched with 120 cm by Van Winkoop in The Netherlands. The great artwork and finish are from MW Designs and all the rest of the bodyparts and rearbumper…Continue Reading

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Scania S-Longline?

Scania S-Longline?

The new generation of Scania has inspired some of the truck-modification company’s. We already spotted the first new Scania S- series that is in the proces of being transferted into a bonneted truck and here is the new ‘Longline’ version of the S-cab. This one is being build at Van Winkoop in The Netherlands. This…Continue Reading

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