Category Archives: Renault

Old Renault scoop

The Renault Magnum was presented in 1990 and the first trucks that were spotted were army green. Renault did that because there was a law in France that said that it was illegal to take photo’s of army trucks. I don’t know if that law is still working but they don’t use the army green…Continue Reading

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Magnum caught!

I just returned from my holliday and so did Reinder Meijer, iepieleaks spie and owner of He spotted during a phototrip to Danmark this misterious black truck and he made al lot of photo’s. He thinks it is the new Renault Magnum and i agree on that. Check the photo’s and his website!  …Continue Reading

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New Renault on the road?

One of the Iepieleaks Spies spotted this truck last week in France, in the Le Mans area. He didn’t have a clou what is was but it could be a Renault. The cab looks very similar than the Volvo cab, but details are different. Look at the headlights, typical Renault. Good work anonimus spie! And…Continue Reading

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And another Renault!

And here we have even more Renault prototypes! Iepieleaks spie Jonas A. send me these photo’s that he found on Facebook. Jonas was so clever to check the British licence plates and we know for shure now, this is a Renault truck! Thanks for investigating Jonas, and keep up the good work! When we look…Continue Reading

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Renault again!

Truckspotting is fun these days with all that new stuff out there! A few postings ago i showed a truck that could be the next Renault Magnum. This time iepieleaks spie Mattias Petersson spotted the same truck in Helsingborg today. He took this fine photo that shows a lot of detail. Looking at the fueltank…Continue Reading

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Magnum Euro6?

Now this was just spotted by Henke v.d. Buter and Kevin v. Kamphuis. They posted the photo on Facebook where i got it from. I think it is the new Renault Magnum, looking gooood!! The photo was taken at Eurotunnel.Continue Reading

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And again we found photo’s of what should be the new Renault Premium. The photo’s were found on and they show a truck that we’ve seen before on Iepieleaks. The photo’s were taken in Sweden, home of Renault’s mothercompany Volvo Trucks. So, this could also be the next Volvo FM, you never know. I…Continue Reading

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Deze foto’s vond ik via maar de bron is de Noorse website Tungt. Ik had al eerder foto’s van deze trucks en volgens de vele reacties gaat het om de nieuwe Renault. Op deze foto’s is duidelijk te zien dat het om twee cabinehoogtes gaat. Opvolging voor zowel de Premium als de Magnum? Het…Continue Reading

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One of my iepieleaks spies found this photo on the internet. His question is ‘Is this the next Renault Magnum?’ Well, that could be the case but i realy don’t know. It is something new and it is big! And sice my Russian language is not that good i can’t read the tekst on the…Continue Reading

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