Category Archives: Renault

Another Artist Impression of the Renault

Just a few days, then we’ll know for shure what the new Renault is going to look like. In the meanwhile I found another artist-impression of the new truck on Facebook. It is a very good illustration, but if it looks like the real thing? Next week we are going to find out. Keep checking…Continue Reading

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Waiting waiting waiting..

And we are still waiting for the news on the new Renault Trucks. We can count the days now untill june 12, and just to kill the time we have another look at this posting of Sergey Orlow. He is from Miass City in the Ural mountains and he worked many years for the Ural…Continue Reading

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Testing testing the new Renault trucks

For some time now we published scoop photo’s of the new Renault Trucks, but now they send them by official press release! Fifty trucks of the new generation were tested in the past time by costumers who drove more than 2 milion kilometers with the trucks! The results of these tests lead to the fine…Continue Reading

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The new Renault Kerax

Now this photo of the new Renault Kerax inspired Sergey Orlow from Russia for an artist impression of the new Renault. Orlow got his inspiration from all the leaked parts of the puzzle, and I think he made a realy good drawing of the new Kerax.    Continue Reading

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Renault design is getting clear!

After months of staring at fieldtest trucks Renault gave away some design details on the new racetrucks. That was only a wild guess, but this drawing seems to confirm my thoughts. Check the shape of the grill on the drawing, and compare it with the racetrucks! Another detail that came to me through Facebook is…Continue Reading

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Renault race trucks show new design

Renault Trucks presented the new race trucks, and I think this gives away some of the design of the next generation. The cab is the old Midlum cab that is also used by Volvo and DAF. Renault is going to keep this cab for the next generation and it would not suprise me if the…Continue Reading

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What happens to the Premium cab?

Now that Volvo has unveiled it’s Euro 6 FE truck, we wonder at Iepieleaks what is going to happen with the current Premium-cab. As insiders know, the Volvo FE features this cab (see picture). Next month, Renault will unveil it’s new Euro 6 truckseries. Word has it, that three new trucks will be introduced at…Continue Reading

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