Author Archives: Iep van der Meer

Another Artist Impression of the Renault

Just a few days, then we’ll know for shure what the new Renault is going to look like. In the meanwhile I found another artist-impression of the new truck on Facebook. It is a very good illustration, but if it looks like the real thing? Next week we are going to find out. Keep checking…Continue Reading

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Willys jeep, return to factory after 70 years

A Willys MB model dated 1943 has left Italy to return to its original production site in Toledo, Ohio and celebrate its 70th anniversary. The exclusive pictures of the visit to the Willys’ historical production site and to the Toledo Assembly Complex where at present the current generation of the iconic Jeep Wrangler is produced.…Continue Reading

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Waiting waiting waiting..

And we are still waiting for the news on the new Renault Trucks. We can count the days now untill june 12, and just to kill the time we have another look at this posting of Sergey Orlow. He is from Miass City in the Ural mountains and he worked many years for the Ural…Continue Reading

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Volvo FL Euro-6

Now this is the first new Volvo FL Euro-6 that I saw in costumer livery, but again: It is a Phothshop picture.. Vroegop-Windig, a Dutch company just ordered four FE and one FL Euro-6 trucks, and Volvo made a press-release with this photo. It gives an impression of how the truck will look. Earlyer Volvo did…Continue Reading

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Trakker 4×4 for agricultural jobs

Hoovertrack is the brand that rebuilds Iveco Trakker 4×4, 6×6 and 8×8 trucks for working the land, and driving on the highways. The Dutch company fits different wheels, tires and ratio’s for heavy duty offroad jobs like harvesting on wet land. Together with the 3 axled Drakkar Trailers that are built together with Joskin they…Continue Reading

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Testing testing the new Renault trucks

For some time now we published scoop photo’s of the new Renault Trucks, but now they send them by official press release! Fifty trucks of the new generation were tested in the past time by costumers who drove more than 2 milion kilometers with the trucks! The results of these tests lead to the fine…Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024