Author Archives: Iep van der Meer

Building Volvo FH

Driving a modern truck you have no clou how much effort it took to build it. A few years ago I was able to build my own FH in the Volvo plant in Gent, so I do know what it takes. Volvo now made a press release that tells everything about the production of a…Continue Reading

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New Renault in silver

The new Renault Trucks were presented last week in a strange, military green colour. That gave the truck a look that could not make me decide if I liked it or not.. Now here is the new top model of the range in silver, and that looks much better!Continue Reading

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The next Volvo FM?

Just a few days after the launch of the new Renault Trucks I found this on the web. It is the new Renault cab with a Volvo FM grille! I am convinced that it is a clever photoshop, but it does look good. Could it be that this is going to be the next Volvo…Continue Reading

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Renault Construction: K and C

The new Renault construction vehicles come with the names K- and C- models. The C is the new construction range, and the K is the heavy duty version. The trucks come with two cab widths. However the photo’s don’t show that my guess is that you can order the ‘old’ Premium cab with new design,…Continue Reading

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Renault new distribution trucks

Renault is launching the completely new truckrange today in one big internationa event. That means not only the new long-distance models, but also the new distribution and construction trucks. The distribution trucks come in two models, both called ‘D’. There is the 10-18 ton model and the ‘D-Wide’ from 16 – 26 tonnes. The version…Continue Reading

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New Renault Trucks: Official launch!

After months of waiting and staring at fieldtest trucks, drawings and listening to rumours here it is: The new Renault Trucks range for Euro-6! Renault says the investment of the Volvo Group was over 2 billion Euro’s and there was an intensive testing programme going on all over Europe. Well, we sure noticed! The new…Continue Reading

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First New Renault photo!

And here is is, the new Renault truck! I found this photo on internet and it looks like it is the real thing! In a few days we are going to see the official launch, but this looks like the first photo of the truck, without cammouflage!Continue Reading

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BIGtruck online magazine

Bigtruck magazine editie 2 2025

BIGtruck Magazine Kippertest 2024