Atego fieldtest going on

Iepieleaks spie Robert Beuseker spotte this new Mercedes-Benz Atego in Holland this week. The driver of the test vehicle had to stop to get some fuel.

The new Atego is not going to have a whole new cab like the Antos and Actros but it will be a facelift. The front is going to show the new family face of the big Benzes. It is not clear what is going to happen to the interior but earlyer photo’s showd there was still the old interior.

Thanks for the good work Robert! And to all iepieleaks spies: Keep your eyes open because there is still some interesting stuff moving around!

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2 Responses to Atego fieldtest going on

  1. Zag ze deze week ook rijden op de a61 richting nederland, op de foto is ook nog een mercedes met hoge cabine te zien, is een dagcabine.

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