In a few weeks the IAA Transportation is going to start in Hannover and there are Rumours that Scania is going to launch their new ‘Streamline’ version of the Nextgen. After DAF, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz and the electric Renault Trucks Scania is the one who has this step also. Not only for a better Vecto score and improved fuel efficiency, but also to make longer cabs legal. And about the name, after re-using the name SUPER it would supprise us if they didn’t recycle the iconic name ‘Streamline’ for the new model.
In the meanwhile photo’s of a camouflaged Scania appeared on social media, but we think these are older pictures, check this post from november 2023. The truck seems to be the same one. From sources around Scania we understand that the new front is not going to be presented in Hannover, but maybe they will supprise us!