Hyundai has shipped the first ten hydrogen driven Xcient trucks to Switzerland. This country will use 1600 hydrogen Hyundai trucks by 2025, the intention is. Before the end of the year, another 40 trucks will be delivered.
The Xcient truck was developed by Hyundai as a heavy duty dieseltruck. However, it appeared possible to create a hyrdrogen version as well. This trucks has a range of 400 kilometres and fuelling up with fresh hydrogen just takes twenty minutes, according to the manufacturer. A Swiss company realises the fuelstations, of which seven should be ready before the end of the year. Ultimately som 73 hydrogen fuel stations should be ready by 2025, according to Hyundai.
Other countries
Hyundai intends to sell the Xcient hydrogen truck in other countries as well. The company thinks of Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway and the US. By 2030, Hyundai expects to produce some half a million hydrogen trucks per year.